Thursday, March 15, 2007

DIG Update, some changes.

DIG and The Downtown Times will be making some minor changes in the next month. DIG will now be moving to a monthly Newsletter (as opposed to a bi-monthly newsletter), and the name will change from "The DIG Newsletter," to "The Downtown Times". The Downtown Times blog will now become DIG's online version of the newsletter.

So what does this mean for The Downtown Times? We will continue to run blogs and articles, but we will also be adding some new features. First off, The Downtown Times (online) and the DIG website will now be accepting "Downtown DIGs". The Downtown DIG is where you can post your ideas, comments, or whatevers on your mind concerning downtown, and submit it to DIG. Each month, DIG and The Downtown Times will select a few "Downtown DIGs" to publish in that month's edition of The Downtown Times (newsletter).

Also, we will be more frequently giving DIG updates, and will each week have a "DIG Weekly Update," where we will update you on DIG happenings, as well as downtown happenings, and select one Downtown DIG to include.

We will also be running weekly polls and surveys, of which will be pubished with the DIG Weekly Update, and The Downtown Times Newsletter.

To give your Downtown DIG, visit, or email us at
The Downtown Times is DIG's online version of their monthly newsletter, The Downtown Times Newsletter.

To submit a Downtown DIG, visit,
email us at

Questions? Comments? Email DIG at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...