Sunday, April 22, 2007

City Council Public Hearing

Public to be heard, but will it matter?


Click the link above to view the full article.

From the article-

"Councilman Glynn Hines, D-6th, has been a vocal supporter of the project. He said council members have attended meetings over the last several months on the issue and met with numerous residents. The hearing will mean another long night, but Hines said it is unlikely to sway any minds.

“I’ve got enough information,” he said. “I’m ready to vote for it.”
Even one of the most vocal opponents of the project, Councilman Don Schmidt, R-2nd, said the hearing will serve little more than a cathartic exercise for the public, rather than a way to gather input.

“I think the majority of the council has their minds pretty well along how they’re going to vote,” he said, agreeing he doesn’t see any issue that could sway him to support the project."

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