Friday, February 1, 2008

Winter Storm Coverage Part Three

Well, as you may have noticed, we didn't pick up that foot of snow like what was forcasted. But the four or five inches we did get was enough to create some messy roads and school closings. Overall, it was just your typical January snowstorm for Fort Wayne. Other areas around the state, however, picked up quite a bit more than us, some places seeing up to 10+ inches.

There was an interesting sight downtown last night, however- a snow tornado on Calhoun. The video below was shot around midnight or so looking north on Calhoun from Washington, by John and Nick Arnett.

So while we didn't get a foot of snow, it was nice to have a little break from the cold rainy weather, and see a blanket of white over the city. Oh, and we definitely got our answer to the question "Will the snow shut down downtown?". Well, considering thats where I am at the moment, and the only problem I had getting here was slipping on a little patch of slush, I think its pretty safe to say that it didn't. Now had we gotten the 12-15 inches forcasted, that may have been a different story.

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